Tuck Everlasting. Centre Theatre. 2023
For this production, I had the privilege of designing Sound and Projections. The intent of the design was to feel like we were in a pop-up book. Onstage, there were these large books that would turn pages to take us to a new location. Similarly, the projections wanted to feel like they were in that hand-crafted world. We had a large projections surface all the way upstage center. We kept the images in that hand-art style for most of the show. There were a few moments where we went for a more magical animated feel (like in several of the images below). It was important to me that the magic of the Foster’s woods come through in these images.
Photos by Linda Johnson.
Tuck Everlasting. Centre Theatre. 2023
Direction: Reva Stover
Scenic Design: Andrew Robinson
Lighting Design: Keith Truax
Costume Design: Tiffany Bacon
Prop Design: Saria Rosenhaj
Sound Design and Projection Design: Damien Figueras