MOTH by Declan Green. Azuka Theatre. 2016
Moth tells the story of Claryssa and Sebastian and how one night changed their entire lives. This production bombarded the audience with sound, much like Claryssa was being bombarded with memories of what happened. The director and I worked to create several distinct sonic landscapes throughout the show: Purgatory (what we considered neutral. There was no underscoring in Purgatory, just constant and sterile white noise), Memory (this world contained mostly realistic soundscapes and very little underscoring), Supernatural (this world contained underscoring, realistic sounds, and a distorted mix of both! In this sonic world, anything was possible).
Photos by Johanna Austin.
Moth. Azuka Theatre. 2016
Direction: Michael Osinski
Scenic Design: Apollo Weaver
Lighting Design: Alyssandra Docherty
Costume Design: Kayla Speedy
Sound Design and Original Music: Damien Figueras